Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Health Economics: Feel Young and Look Young

Sources: villa-medica.com ; wikipedia.org ; CIA WORLD FACTBOOK

WHAT'S THE LATEST? People invest a lot of money to make themselves beautiful. Obviously, there is a market for the new emerging beauty clinics. We have heard of plastic surgery and all the other operations that people would undergo in order to obtain a younger look. Look at these pictures below:

The first picture seems to be successful while the other one... (how will you describe what had happened to her?) This proves that plastic surgery does not assure each of the clients to look as beautiful as they want it to be. 

Ever heard of stem cell therapy (also known as fresh cell therapy)?

The Fresh Cell Therapy: What is this?

Fresh Cell Therapy is a purely biological, safe and scientifically acknowledged therapy by which specially selected fresh or live cells or cells extracts of donor 
animals, usually sheep, are injected into the human body for treatment of various ailments or rejuvenation purpose. Take a look in this video:

Ex-president of the Philippines, Gloria Arroyo, has been very controversial with her "hypothyroidism" illness. She was supposed to go abroad to be treated the way she wants to be. There is an issue that she is going to Germany and that she is after the said stem-cell therapy. Imagine Germany, being visited by various personalities around the globe. Germany is undoubtedly prosperous in terms of their economic status. But it never stopped making wonders.

Stem-cell therapy is a work of science with a heavy load of controversies. Though this method of rejuvenation has a lot of questions to be answered, people from the different corners of the world visited this country to experience Villa Medica's expertise. Villa Medica is the private clinic who does all the trick. Different personas have gone there even if it means spending a lot of money.

 The German economy - the fifth largest economy in the world in PPP terms and Europe's largest---this is from the CIA WORLD FACTBOOK.

Of course, there are a lot of reason why they experience economic stability. But, we are only going to touch what is the latest with Germany. 

Philippines has various of ways in the art of beauty and wellness. This is not to imply that we have the best but this would not also deny the fact that this helps in making our tourism to prosper. But... there are now a number of filipinos who have gone to Germany to experience stem-cell therapy. 

Germany is fantastic. It knows how the market evolves as generations go by on its own unique technique. It has the best doctors, best philosophers, best scientists, best teachers, and all the bests you can think of. 

Health economics--- 
Health economics is a branch of economics concerned with issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, value and behavior in the production and consumption of health andhealth care. -Wikipedia.org 
People today have a greater demand for health. This is one of the greatest factors that make ones economy to prosper. People today love the latest of all the latest. What is the latest with the economy today? It's health economics.